
Thursday, August 8, 2019

The Impact of Employee Participation for Transparency in the Hiring Assignment

The Impact of Employee Participation for Transparency in the Hiring and Promotion Process of Public Agencies - Assignment Example This research will begin with the statement that the problem is that many public agencies are not being transparent in their hiring and promotion practices, and they are not seeking out adequate levels of employee participation throughout the process. The process of hiring and promoting employees is certainly an exercise that takes place almost daily in large institutions, companies, and organization of various sorts. Without transparency and a level of employee participation throughout the process, however, it is often difficult to get rank and file staff members to truly commit and buy into the true vision of the organization. Oddly enough, this is a problem that continues to persist despite numerous attempts to rectify the situation and create more transparency and opportunities for participation on the part of everyone in the organization. Much work still needs to be done in order to shore up the hiring and promotion process, particularly in public service agencies, in order to r educe incidences of hiring and promotion the wrong individual for important positions within the organization. Judging from the fact that the degree of inefficiency continues to persist, not necessarily because of an absence of a sound recruitment strategy, but as a result of the failure of existing strategies, the simple indication that it sends is that it is important to change the processes and methods involved in tackling the situation. The major problem, therefore, has to do with the failed attempt to identify the right approach or method in tackling recruitment in various organizations, most commonly as a result of a lack of transparency throughout the hiring and promotion process.

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